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c# sip library with example?

I've been looking for a week now for a c# .net framework sip library that has example code which i can make a phone call and play a audio file in call and receive dmtf with custom caller id. I already ...
Abdulla Adnan's user avatar
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After Running a PowerShell Script to Update Credentials for a Specific Data Source any Windows Password Saved is Broken

I have a powershell script that loops through all reports and updates the windows credentials to use a service account but only for specific data sources. After I run the script any report that has a ...
John Kidd's user avatar
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Remove Inner Join Results from an Outer Join

I need some help in understanding why I am not seeing the results I expect from a WHERE clause in a SELECT statement form a RIGHT Join. I am trying to filter out the INNER JOIN results from the RIGHT ...
Claudio Cavalli's user avatar
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TypeError: is not a function in Node.js with the ollama module

I'm working on a Node.js project where I'm trying to use the ollama (ollama-js) module. However, when I call the async function chatWithLlama() (which has inside), I encounter the ...
James's user avatar
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How can I make my popup appear fully visible on Google map with React?

What I'm doing: I'm using @react-google-maps/api with React, rendering some markers + popup div. I'm using OverlayView for the markers on the map. When I click a pin - I show an info div for that pin....
Dave's user avatar
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T SQL select records where each matches certain criteria

Using the following table: CREATE TABLE [GroupTaskMembers]( [GroupTaskId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [MemberId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [StartedAt] [datetime2](7) NULL, [...
Stas Blade's user avatar
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Excel Filter Function on an Array Result

For background, my job requires me to make up large amounts of mock data. Large like 100s of thousands of rows, and array formulas seem to be the best option to scale these activities. Onto the ...
Chris Friederich's user avatar
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ggplot color labels with expressions and values

I have the following data: And I am plotting the value over vds for each different V_gs with the V_gs being of different colors: My problem is, that I would like the color labels to be formatted ...
Gaweringo's user avatar
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How to read large CSV file and transform it to JSON file in GCP F4 instance

I am using F4 instance machine and need to download 650Mb of CSV data from Gcloud storage and convert it to JSON file which will be again huge in size. When i tried doing it on F4 instance with 8 ...
Ankit Singh's user avatar
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How can I add data values while creating/initializing the List<List<String>> directly in Java?

List<List<String>> cars = new ArrayList<>(); cars.add(List.of("1", "Silver", "3000")); cars.add(List.of("2", "White", "4000&...
koolest's user avatar
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Is the code below valid C? (Pointer arithemetic on null pointers)

I've recently been reading the C standard ISO/IEC 9899:2018 specification. Wherein, Section 6.5.6 (Additive operators) describes constraints on the + operator. Rule [8] says: When an expression that ...
Rayan's user avatar
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How many series does echart support for line graph

I have an array of user objects. Each user has an array of dates. For each date there is an "activity counter". I would like to output this information as a line graph using echart.js, where ...
Глеб Щукин's user avatar
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Pages are served with HTTP/1.1 in browser and HTTP/2 in CURL

I installed HTTP/2 on a local Apache server, running on Ubuntu. HTTP/2 is working, as it manages to upgrade the protocol when I do CURL on a page: $ /usr/bin/curl -I --http2 http://test.local/public/ /...
user5198077's user avatar
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Using float columns in Laravel 11 migrations

The upgrade notes for Laravel 11 say: The float column type now creates a FLOAT equivalent column without total digits and places (digits after decimal point), but with an optional $precision ...
miken32's user avatar
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AsyncStorage not waiting with "then" in React Native

I am having some trouble trying to get an Item from AsyncStorage in React Native without transform it into an async function and use await. Based on this answer, I was trying to do something like this:...
Cristian Favaro Carriço's user avatar
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Expo error: Uncaught Error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to load all assets

When I start expo server using npx expo start -c server starts. My mobile and laptop are also connected on the same network. Now when I scan expo qr code through expo go in mobile, it displays error ...
Prasanga Thapaliya's user avatar
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Aws NLB health checks fail when using docker node app

Im having a hard time trying to understand what is happening with my NLB configuration. I have a network load balancer with a tcp:80 listener and a target group also for tcp:80 for trafic port and tcp ...
cristian sierra's user avatar
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Error blazor webassembly project not compiling

I'm using .net 8. blazor server starts but blazor.client (web assembly) project never opens I didn't make any changes, it's a newly created project. 'dotnet.exe' (...
ucy's user avatar
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Are there special hyphens and underscores? HTML selector not working with them but works without them

I know my code is working because using the class selector without hyphens and underscores works. Is this an en/decoding issue? Copying and pasting issue? String literal issue? Code works with ...
harikari's user avatar
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Unable to use Prettier as default formatter for React app in VSCode

I'm trying to install Prettier in my VScode (Windows+WSL) workspace. I succesfully installed extension and wrote this settings to my settings.json: { "[typescript]": { "editor....
zhans's user avatar
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Laravel Curl error: operation aborted by callback

I have a problem when uploading files. The error description is "Curl error: operation aborted by callback". I would be very grateful if you could help me solve this problem. public function ...
Pendok Laravel's user avatar
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How to avoid "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package" error

Background: I have a bunch of small-to-medium python programs that I'm trying to simplify by factoring out common code into a module that all the programs import. The problem I run into is that when ...
Chris Dodd's user avatar
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Is there any way to pass object to value of input in react-hook-form?

I would like to create delivery pick from objects using input type radio or select. Here is my code: interface IDelivery { id: number, name:string, } type FormFields = { delivery: IDelivery } ...
Juzioikasztanka's user avatar
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[Security:090219]Error decrypting Secret Key java.lang.SecurityException: Crypto-J is disabled, a self-integrity check failed

I have the following error message when trying to import the domain configured for my weblogic 12.1.1 server from Eclipse version 2020-06 The server is invalid. Error occurred reading server ...
ZuMeiKaDoM's user avatar
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Getting nth child count from a div class using javascript

I am trying to find count or nth child from here. As per below I should get 3 and dynamically it will change based on number results. <div class="result-container list-layout-container"&...
user1306926's user avatar
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Does Apache HttpClient V4 HttpMessage use header case-insensitive matching?

RFC spec states Http headers are case-insensitive: Are HTTP headers case-sensitive? In our source code we set headers in [org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpMessage](
Jae Lee's user avatar
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Attempting to some sort of alarm for when a person is identified

Using a TensorFlow model I wanted to add some sort of alarm that would go off for whenever a person was detected as the window was running whether it be a flashing colored border or an audio noise. I'...
Kyle Greenwood's user avatar
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Gnuplot - add labels to a pie-chart

I'm drawing a pie chart with the following code: set xrange [-9:9] set style fill transparent solid 0.3 plot '-' using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with circles lc var notitle 0 0 5 0 90 7 0 0 5 ...
nath's user avatar
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"Error in, panel_loc) : ‘==’ only defined for equally-sized data frames" when using draw() from gratia to draw GAM in r

I am trying to draw GAMs in R using the below code. This code always used to work, and I could draw the partial effect of my smoothed term, but randomly it no longer works, consistently triggering ...
flâneur's user avatar
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Kafka says "available brokers: 0", but there is a broker started

When my Kafka server starts it fails to create a __consumer_offsets topic, but I see the broker starting successfully. The broker starts but then immediately throws errors saying it has 0 brokers. The ...
red888's user avatar
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Google 3D Tiles API terms

I want to create a recorded camera flyover using Unreal Engine, Google's 3D Tiles, and Cesium for Instagram/YouTube/TikTok posts. Are there any limitations I should be aware of? Is this allowed under ...
Nikolai Jupiter's user avatar
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Avro: Is local-timestamp-millis supported in the C++ library?

The simple version of the question is: does the C++ Avro library support the Logical Type local-timestamp-millis? More details: I'm using the Apache Avro C++ library version 1.11 and trying to create ...
hannah_sinclair's user avatar
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Download file with date Month_Year in filename from Web using Powershell

I need a Powershell job that will download a file from a website each month. The file includes the month and year in the name so I need some sort of variable or expression in the URL. I ran a test ...
Don's user avatar
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Max x/y values for viewbox to prevent zooming / panning outside

I am implementing a custom zoom/pan in JS with viewbox. When the x, y, width and height for the new viewbox have been calculated, i want to set them. Before setting them, i want to check them to be ...
Shiuyin's user avatar
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Font-size nao fica menor que 16px/rem/...etc [closed]

Ola, estou com um problema muito frequente onde quando coloco algum "font-size" em qualquer elemento abaixo de 16px/rem/... (que seria o padrao), o navegador nao aceita e fica com 16px e ...
user289647's user avatar
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how to use a specific dataset in the mobileVIT model in keras?

i am new to this so i just wanted to know if i have to make modifications to the image size etc etc for this dataset to work in this model : ...
inter galactic's user avatar
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C++ std::filesystem, recursively and asynchronously counting files in a changing filesystem

I am trying to find a way to recursively list files in a changing filesystem but keep running into an errors in the /proc directory. #include <list> #include <unordered_set> class ...
Preston Thomson's user avatar
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Keep counter updated

I’m currently working on a social network that displays a Post list with its respective like_count. I have also a Like entity table that holds all the likes for a given post. When a user wants to ...
mbc's user avatar
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Bytearrays not being imported as expected into PIO OSR via DMA in Micropython

This is the setup I'm trying to get working: On a Pi Pico I have set up a PIO StateMachine. It's FIFO TX is fed by a DMA Channel. The StateMachine pulls from the FIFO to the OSR (this should always be ...
Nuke's user avatar
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How to run an Excel macro at the same time as a main Word macro is running? (MSO365)

I have a Word macro that needs to run simultaneously with an Excel macro (it is a template, not xlsm) in some cases. I am having issues, because it seems like once the Excel macro is called from the ...
fing's user avatar
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MySQL 8.3.X - Where is the workbench? [closed]

For MySQL 8.3.X - Where is the workbench? It seems like it is only available for 8.0.xx, for example 8.0.33. Where is it? What have I missed?
Adrian's user avatar
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Does my AWS Lambda app need a serverless.template file if I'm using the CDK?

I have a .NET 8 Core Minimal API which I have converted to a Lambda by adding builder.Services.AddAWSLambdaHosting(LambdaEventSource.RestApi); to the initialization code in my Program.cs Main method. ...
CB_at_Sw's user avatar
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Azure Static Web App with Git Actions [Git Actions error]

I'm trying to host my personal portfolio website with Azure Cloud(Static Web Actions) and I'm facing an error from Git Actions. my yaml file -
Pavlo Bondarenko's user avatar
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How To Us { VS Code Extensions } In { Android Studio }?

I want to use the add-ons inside the code editor, Visual Studio Code, inside the development environment, Android Studio. This is because I rely on some of the add-ons inside the code editor, Visual ...
Ahmed Samy's user avatar
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React Vimeo OnPlay not working as expected

I am using the @u-wave/react-vimeo library and I am having issues relating to passing functions to the Vimeo component. For example, I am passing onPlay function to the component and all it does is ...
eferesen's user avatar
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How does indirect expansion support further expansions?

The bash manual states that the expanded value of an indirect parameter expansion undergoes further expansions. I'm not finding that to be true. Can someone explain how it works? 3.5.3 Shell Parameter ...
MacBeth's user avatar
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AESCryptoServiceProvider encryption PKCS7 padding inconsistencies

I have inherited some legacy code originally built in .NET 4.6 which is something as follows: static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(Encrypt("B9519163&...
user24476663's user avatar
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Go MySQL driver 500x slower than ADO.NET for simple select query

I wrote two programs in both golang using database/sql and, and another program in C# using ADO.NET. They both run the extremely simple SELECT * FROM users query 10 ...
Massimo's user avatar
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How do I specify host as a variable in ansible?

There are examples on the internet but none of them seem to work for me: test.yaml --- - hosts: "{{ non_default_host }}" tasks: - debug: msg: 'This is the host specified" ...
user_dev's user avatar
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not able to connect to ytsaurus cluster using ytsaurus-ui on minikube

I am trying to connect to ytsaurus cluster but get the following errors: Minisaurus couldn't be reached choose cluster It seems it has issues connecting to the cluster: GET http://localhost:30738/api/...
dev's user avatar
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